20KWp off-grid hybrid solar power system

Praise GOD for enabling us to set up a 20KWp off-grid hybrid solar power system. The solar energy harvested from the solar panels is being stored through the 3 paralleled Must Hybrid 5.5KW inverters, in these 24 units of OPzV “Silicone Batteries” with a capacity of 48VDC-3000Ah and weighs 214kgs a unit. It is designed to supply 2 x 2.5hp AC, lightings, ref/freezer, TV/Computers, water pump and other home appliances for 12 hours straight in the evening and 12 hours Grid-tie system during daytime! With over 20 years lifespan based on standard maintenance service.
Thank you very much to our supportive client for approving this breakthrough prototype for a bigger project in the city, province and beyond!
Thank you likewise to our QuantumTech Team for a job well done!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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